Intuiting TailwindCSS


Fri Jan 07 2022

This is a note I made on April 6, 2019, before I'd heard of TailwindCSS or utility-first CSS, accurately identifying the utility of this approach.

SCSS allows for nested style declarations in the same structure as the nested HTML markup. I keep seeing the evolution of web development as having related things proximate in the dev environment.
Styles should be attached to markup. But, we want them to cascade, and there are many possible levels of specificity.
So, I propose a system where the developer can add styles right at the relevant element - even perhaps on the live-updated webpage - and the system offers options for what scope of specificity to enter them into. It will provide the tags and a visual marker of how general or specific that targeting is.

Interesting to look back - not that long ago in this case - and see solid validation of my ideas and insights; I think it's fair to say that TailwindCSS has made a large impact on front-end development, taking what was considered a worst-practice and transforming it into a preferred practice.

Well, I'm glad to have good ideas, and I'm glad others do too - I love working with TailwindCSS, and as Jeff Delaney, creator of the excellent channel puts it,

Like many, I found it offensive at first glance; but the reality is that it can produce beautiful and customizable UIs faster than any other approach I've tried.

100%. I'm giving myself a pat on the back for this insight, and for taking the time to jot it down so I could enjoy this moment of validation.⁠