

Coded from scratch in Sveltekit with TailwindCSS, using GraphCMS cloud (now Hygraph) as CMS.

1 Super-tic-tac-toe

A complex version of Tic-Tac-Toe with many options. Custom-built in Sapper; my most ambitious project thus far in terms of number of LOC (approx. 9,500), features and UI.

2 MathSheets

An app for generating elementary math worksheets to user specifications. Created as a learning exercise for myself, and as an aid to homeschooling my daughter, specifically to generate printable, randomized and customized math problem worksheets.

3 StarBattle

An early prototype WIP cloning a game called Pax Galaxia. This is a little-known game that I fell in love with in 2007, which ceased development shortly thereafter, which I always wanted to re-create in a modern way.

4 Discord clone

A pixel-perfect clone of the Discord client, refactored from React to Sveltekit. From an Egghead tutorial using React for a pixel-perfect replication of Discord UI; I adapted it to use the SvelteKit framework.

5 TW2002 redux

A remake of the classic game TW2002. An original remake inspired by the classic 1990's text-based MUD, TradeWars 2002. Early stages WIP. Using SvelteKit, DOM manipulation to create a hybrid text + graphical user interface.

6 DOTA2 Hero Stats viewer

A UI for sorting, filtering, and viewing DOTA2 hero stats. An original app relying on web scraping to gather data on DOTA2 heroes. Uses Vue.js.

7 5-3-1 Strength & Conditioning

An app inspired by Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 strength & conditioning program. Inspired by Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 strength & conditioning program. Based on my expertise as a CrossFit coach and personal trainer, this app goes beyond his original program with a number of innovative exercise progressions, allowing users to calculate loads and plan out functional fitness programs.

8 Screeps: GCL 4

I achieved Global Control Level 4 in the vanilla javascript coding game Screeps, using 95% code I wrote myself (rather than reusing others' as is common in that game). NOTE: I am not currently active in the game, I only played it actively for several weeks.

9 Quotes App

This is a simple app presenting a curated list of quotes, which allows the user to filter results - the purpose and main achievement here was extensive text parsing from a file to take my personal quotes collection and render each quote as a separate item with metadata properly presented.

10 Palette Generator

This is a simple app presenting a curated list of quotes, which allows the user to filter results - the purpose and main achievement here was extensive text parsing from a file to take my personal quotes collection and render each quote as a separate item with metadata properly presented.

11 DevWorkbench

I wanted a dashboard-style app that would reduce cognitive overhead and save time in managing and accessing my local projects, in order to help me be more productive.

12 Creative Coding

This was an excellent course which I thoroughly enjoyed, and despite the brief and concise presentation of the lessons, I spent many dozens of hours immersed in the exploration of creating generative art.

13 YouTube Comments Saver

I was devastated to see excellent YouTube channels being censored, and I wanted to save their comments to a database in case they were lost. This app is capable of fetching channel IDs, video IDs, fetching and displaying all comments - but one of my favorite channels was deleted entirely before I could save the comments, and I lost motivation and have let the project languish.